Actually, Dayton, Ohio resident Tony Henderson only thought the woman he propositioned was a prostitute. Unfortunately for him, she was a police officer. So what happened that fateful night in April 2006? As reported by the Court of Appeals of Ohio, Dayton Police officer Dyan Briggs was working as a…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Criminally Bad Parenting In Colorado Springs? What Do You Think?
Sure, everyone is forgetful occasionally. But some things you just can’t forget. Like that you left your baby in the car … for 40 minutes. It happened in Colorado Springs. This is from the Colorado Springs Police Blotter: Incident Date: June 24, 2010 – Time: 1:30:00 PM – Location: Panera…
Inebriated Mom Has 12-Year-Old Son Drive Home
It’s not like Ms. McCollister (of Garnerville, Nevada) just gave her son the keys and said “drive.” She had him sit on her lap! How drunk was she? .299! To put that in context, having simply read a BAC that high, you should be buzzed. How did Ms. McCollister get…
Really, You Won’t Allow This License Plate?
Juice devotees know that Sweden really is Big Brother when it comes to names. Apparently that applies to license plates too. Check this out from The Local: Officials with Sweden’s Road Administration (Vägverket) have denied a driver’s request for a licence place with what at first glance appears to be…
Indiana Man Literally (And Figuratively) In Some Deep …
There are many variations on the theme, including “You’re in a shitload of trouble,” or “You’re in some deep shit.” That last one is particularly appropriate in the case of 52-year-old Thomas Hovis Jr. As reported by WANE: A wanted man in Albion literally created a big stink to avoid…
Worry About The Man Who So Willingly Offers His Bathroom Up To Strangers
Some fetishes I get, and some I don’t. I don’t get this one. As reported in The Courier Mail: After a night out at a pub in Boggabri, in northern NSW [New South Wales, Australia], a group of people went to a private home on March 27. So far, so…
Can You Tell Someone Is Guilty Just By Looking At Them? Hell Yeah!
This guy could not have made it easier for the police officer to bust him. He just flat-out looked guilty. From Cesar Lopez, a 29-year-old Lebanon, Pa., man, was busted Saturday when he walked up to a police officer with a small bag of marijuana stuck to his forehead,…
Really? You’re Using Your Taser For This?
A 14-year-old Canadian girl was arrested for being drunk and disorderly (she later pleaded guilty) and was placed in a cell. Maybe it’s just me, but how much of a threat can a girl that age – in a jail cell – be? As reported by Roberts [the family’s…
A Surefire Way To End A Crime Spree
Man, this crime thing is easy. They’ll never catch us! Hey, I need some new jeans. Let’s head over to Walmart … Well, that’s what 20-year-old Dustin Matthew Marshall and 19-year-old Lindsey Samantha Scholl apparently did. And Mr. Marshall got his jeans. But when he took off with the new…
Topless? Not A Problem In This Delaware Beach Town
Odds are that even The Juice’s loyal readers are raising their eyebrows. Rest assured, though, breasts may be bared in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. True, they are the breasts of transgender males, but tell that to the folks who complained to lifeguards about the “females showing their breasts.” As reported by…