What in tarnation was going on in this Sacramento, California apartment? See if you can figure it out. From The Sacramento Bee: Police attempted to serve a warrant on Fairfield Avenue. Officers said that they heard a woman talking inside the apartment, and they knocked, identified themselves as police officers…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Think Twice Before Calling This Woman “Fat”
Although words can cause a lot more pain than a physical injury, a 21-year-old man who called a woman “fat” might disagree. As reported by the Lincoln [Nebraska] Journal Star: Police say a 24-year-old man is missing a chunk of his right ear that was bitten off by a woman…
“Protect And Serve,” Or “Pound Into Ground Round?”
The Juice has the utmost respect for police officers. But, just as there are lawyers who do bad things, such is the case with police officers too. But there are no dashboard cameras for lawyers… Unfortunately for this baton-wielding officer (see below, at the 15 second mark), his dashboard camera…
As Ye Sew …
You might know the rest of the saying (“so shall ye reap”), and so might Pennsylvania dentist Thomas McFarland, Jr., but he paid it no heed. The “sewing” in this case was the dumping of about 300 used needles [and other medical waste] into the ocean, which washed up on…
What Happens When You Shoot A Bullet Through The Floor?
Bad things, at least in this instance in Brigantine, New Jersey. As reported in The Press of Atlantic City: … Kevin Dorsey, 36, was visiting his girlfriend’s West Brigantine Avenue apartment and had the .40-caliber handgun out when he somehow shot it into the floor at about 12:40 a.m. It…
Get High, Get Mauled By Bear, Get Workers’ Compensation?
Lots of people have a cup of coffee before work. Some weed before work? Not so many. Among those who do so indulge, at least on the day in question, is Mr. Brock Hopkins. Based on the title of the post, you can probably see where this is going. Dude…
This Is How You Apologize?
You may recall the case involving Nevada Judge George Assad, who jailed a guy’s girlfriend until he showed up in court. Problem was, she hadn’t done anything! (This innocent nurse had just come to court to explain that her boyfriend just started a new job, so he couldn’t make it.)…
Do We Want A Prank-Free Society?
The Juice definitely doesn’t – and not just because it would reduce the amount of material out there. Anyway, talk about a harmless prank. And a damn funny one too … Check this out, as reported by khou.com: What happens when you drop the C and the L from class?…
New Tax Law Met With Spells
It boils down to this: If you want to tax paranormal practitioners in Romania, prepare to become a four-legged animal – if you’re lucky. So maybe that’s an oversimplification, but not by much. As reported by The Independent: Everyone curses the tax man, but Romanian witches angry about having to…
Is That A Sausage In Your Pants, Or …
OMG, that is a sausage in your pants! A bunch of them, as it turns out. Per The Cairns Post: A man has been caught stuffing sausages down his pants in a bizarre alleged theft at an Innisfail supermarket. The 38-year-old Innisfail man was charged with stealing after he was…