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Epic Shampoo Battle

Remember The Juice’s post 2 days ago about the epic thermostat battle between 2 sisters? Well, this post involves 2 brothers who got into it over a bottle of shampoo! As reported by The Sheboygan Press: Two brothers were charged Monday with disorderly conduct for fighting over a bottle of…


Maybe If This Juror Had Been Listening To The Judge, He Wouldn’t Have Gone on Facebook And Tried To Friend …

Let’s just ignore the fact that the judge explicitly instructed you otherwise. If you were a juror, would you try to friend one of the parties, in the middle of the trial? A young man in Texas did, as reported by The Fort Worth Star-Telegram. [Jonathan] Hudson was a juror…


Judge Said What?

Judges say the darndest things. Take the case of the Honorable Gary W. Velie, a Superior Court judge in Clallam County, Washington. Back in 1988, in response to a complaint, he admitted “the use of racist and sexist language and embarrassing jokes.” Not only was he not reprimanded, the complaint…


Perhaps A Certain Law Is The Reason This Company Had A Party Here To Reward Top Salesmen?

Why would a German company have a party for its top salesmen in Budapest, Hungary? Could it be because prostitution is legal in Hungary? Hmmm. As reported by the BBC: Munich Re is the world’s biggest re-insurer – in other words, the company acts as an insurance company for other…

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