Why chase a non-violent suspect who is the subject of a “suspicious person” call when you can just Tase him? If you don’t know that The Juice is opposed to the frequent overuse of Tasers, then you must be a new reader. (Scroll down this page, and in the “Search…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Doctor “Do Whatever I Please”
That’s apparently the way Dr. Henry Kinch’s mind works. Mrs. B and her husband, Mr. B, were his patients for many years. Oh, and Dr. Kinch prescribed anti-depressants to Mr. B without seeing him. I’m sure you know where this is going … Yes, you guessed it, Dr. Kinch (married)…
How Many Dogs Can You Have Until Your Home Is Considered A “Kennel?”
If you live in Kern County, California, the answer is … there is no limit! That’s got some folks mighty angry with Ms. Kimi Peck, who has at least 168 dogs insider her home, according to KGET News. That’s a lot of dog hair. (Can you imagine washing and brushing…
You Do NOT Want To Get Between This Woman And Her Chicken Nuggets!
This woman either had a serious case of the munchies, is just filled with rage, or is an alien sent to earth specifically to gather chicken nuggets. As reported by WNWO in Toledo, Ohio: Toledo Police say Melodi Dushane, 24, stopped at the fast-food restaurant at Front and Main Streets…
Oh No You Didn’t Just Try To Rob THAT Village
Criminals don’t always make the best decisions. Here’s an excellent example, as reported by the South Asian Post: Angry villagers in eastern India [Jharkhand] burned eight robbers and beat four others to death, police said. About 20 robbers raided a remote village in Jharkhand state, but were surrounded by hundreds…
When You Play “Bumper Cars” With Real Cars …
It’s undisputed that, if you postpone dealing with a problem it goes away. Wait, you mean that’s not true? Then why does everyone act as if it were? Anyway, per The Orlando Sentinel: According to an arrest report, the incident began in a shopping plaza at Pine Hills Road and…
Landlord Has Interesting Way Of Getting Attention of Tenants
He crashed his Hummer into their – um, his – house! At about 2:30 a.m.! As reported by delawareonline: According to New Castle County police, the tenants, a 50-year-old man and his 53-year-old wife, awoke around 2:30 a.m. to a loud crash at their home on Lute Court in the…
Dude, Were You Never A Kid?
If you’ve never played doorbell ditch (a/k/a ding dong ditch), well, you’re from Mars. Still, as common as it is, kids who hear this story may think twice about it. And perhaps the “victims” of this harmless prank will think twice about how they react. From an article in the…
If A Man Could Suffer A Greater Humiliation, Name It!
There’s not enough money in the world … Per The Courier & Mail: French police say they have arrested a 63-year-old woman who was leading her 40-year-old companion along a busy shopping street by a leash attached to his exposed penis. The couple were detained on Wednesday afternoon in the…
That’s My Story, And I’m Sticking With It!
Forget about “I only had 2 drinks …” or “I was looking for the Easter Bunny…” Wait, that’s what this dude said he was doing. As reported by The Union Leader: John Fowler, 50 … claimed a man had come to his house with information about the location of the…