In another installment of “Curse you, McDonald’s!”, a woman at a McDonald’s in Kansas City just LOST it over her hamburger order. As reported by KMBC-TV: On Dec. 27, a woman at the McDonald’s at 3255 Main St. was upset about her order and returned her hamburger twice, demanding her…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Virginia Is For Lovers … Unless They Are Gay …
Let’s just say that Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell did not get off to a very good start, unless, that is, you think it’s just fine to discriminate against homosexuals. As reported by McDonnell (R) on Feb. 5 signed an executive order that prohibits discrimination “on the basis of race,…
No, You Couldn’t Just Burgle The Joint …
The Juice yearns for the good old days, when robbers and burglars used to just rob and burgle. Alas, it appears we shan’t be returning to those days. Previously, we learned about the Beanie Baby robber. Today, it’s the fish-killing robbers. Per the TribLocal: Three goldfish were killed when a…
Do NOT Cut And Paste In The Phillipines
Especially if you’re doing it with a random nude body and your ex-girlfriend’s head. Rustan Ang now knows this. As reported in the Philippine Daily Inquirer: The Court of Appeals has affirmed a four-year prison term, P100,000 fine ($2,470 U.S.) and mandatory psychiatric treatment for a man who threatened to…
Shooting A .22 At Cans In Your Suburban Neighborhood?
Nothing wrong with shooting at cans with a .22 … unless it’s in the middle of a suburban neighborhood! What kind of dope would do this? This kind, as reported at Two men were arrested Thursday after a homeowner on Pompano Street complained he’d found two bullet holes in his…
So You’re Telling Me Those Cars In The Showroom Aren’t Filled Up With Gas?
Rule number one: Make sure the getaway car has enough gas to get away! Rule number two: Don’t commit your crime in full view of surveillance cameras. A man in Albany, Georgia broke both rules, and will no doubt pay a hefty price. As reported by WALB: An Albany car…
A Woman Who Uses “911” More Than Rudy Giuliani …
It’s unclear what it will take for this Maine woman to understand that “911” is for emergencies. Check out the series of events, as reported by The Bangor Daily News: Shirley Isacson, 66, “placed 10 calls to 911 in just over an hour” Friday, he said. “She was not reporting…
Hey, That’s Er, Uh, My Truck!
As Police Cmdr. Kelly McMillin said: “you couldn t make up something stranger than this.” So here’s what happened, per Old Edward Bishop went and stole himself a pickup truck. Not so exciting, but … …while [Mr. Bishop was] sitting outside a convenience store, a man with a gun…
Just A Little Trigger Happy?
Really? You’re going to use a taser (in the back!) on a guy who posed NO THREAT to anyone? Have you read the manual? Even used properly, people die, Jack. Think about it. For more taser posts, scroll down a bit, and enter “taser” in the “Search This Blog” box.
Catch And Don’t Release?
Have you ever heard of squirrels invading a person’s home? Apparently this has been a major problem for a man in Parsippany for 17 years! It has been so bad that Mr. Slaughter (yes, that’s his real name) caught over 50 squirrels in recent years and released them several miles…