…The Juice would put “in front of the police station” near the bottom of the list. Of course, the calculus changes, when, like a 40-year-old Appleton, Wisconsin man, you have consumed so much booze that your blood-alcohol level is 4 times the legal limit. He was busted for … public…
Articles Posted in Best Of
I Hate Taunting
Let’s say you rob somebody, and then you’re foolish enough to call him the following day to taunt him. Would you do it from a phone that could be traced to you? A young man in New York did. And it led to his arrest, along with his 4 alleged…
Poetic Justice For Pawning Thieves?
Some might say this story is dripping with irony. The Juice respectfully disagrees, believing instead that it is dripping with poetic justice. As reported by The Santa Cruz Sentinel: A thief stole the bike of a teenage boy as the teen and a friend were being arrested for allegedly trying…
A Young Man Who Did Not Take The Bad News Well
When you get some bad news, how do you react? Probably not like this young man in Fresno did. As reported by The Fresno Bee: A Fresno Pacific University basketball player went on a naked rampage Monday night near campus after being told that he had been kicked off the…
Perhaps The Strangest Ticket Ever Issued
It’s not hyberbole to say that this is almost certainly the strangest ticket ever issued. The offense? As reported by Al-Anba Daily: In the first incident of its kind, a traffic policeman [in Kuwait City] issued a citation against an Arab motorist for having bad breath. A police source said…
Car Burglar Must Not Have Liked What He Found, So He …
This is just gross – really, really gross. A guy broke into two separate cars and, well, you’ll have to hear it from The Star-Ledger (via nj.com): Twice in one night, a burglar entered cars in Carteret, ransacked the vehicles and then defecated inside, according to police. How would you…
If You Can’t Flush It, Swallow It?
We’ve all seen movies with the cops banging on the door, and someone running to the bathroom to flush drugs down the toilet. But what if you’re in your car? There’s always the option of … eating them. That’s apparently what Art Taylor of Framingham, Massachusetts did. (Yes, that’s his…
Not The Best Way To Dispose Of The Evidence
Come crunch time, I guess we all occasionally make the wrong decision. This would appear to be just such an occasion. As reported by The Naples Daily News: When caught red handed with a pair of stolen $16 earrings, Naples police say a Golden Gate teen turned to drastic measures…
Chickens Make The Ultimate Sacrifice For The Team
Who knew chickens were so into baseball? Some Texas chickens paid the ultimate price just to try to help their team. As reported by The Houston Chronicle: Fort Worth area police are investigating whether two prep baseball players sacrificed chickens in a bid to improve their games. Apparently practicing more…
Not The Beanie Babies! Take Anything You Want, But Not The Beanie Babies!
What kind of person would steal a little girl’s Beanie Babies? And use a knife during the heist? Perhaps the kind of 18-year-old who would want 6 Beanie Babies… As reported by The Orlando Sentinel: Two St. Cloud men accused of taking a little girl’s Beanie Babies and other items…