Sure, there have been mistakes made in the “war on drugs” and the “war on terror.” But exactly how Australian customs could make such a colossal mistake is hard to fathom. As reported at Neil Parry was arrested in June last year at Darwin Airport and charged with trafficking…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Some Relationships Have A “Giver” And A “Taker” …
Well, this is one of the most one-way relationships ever. As in, a truckload of money went one way, and “virtually” nothing went the other way … As reported by The Naperville Sun A Naperville man is out $200,000 after wiring money to an online girlfriend he didn’t realize was…
Google Sued Over Underwear Hanging Outside Apartment
Google probably gets sued everyday for some wacky reason. Add this one to the list – in the “Google satellite – underwear” category. As reported by The Mainichi Daily News: A woman [in Fukuoka] is suing search-engine giant Google Inc., saying her psychological condition worsened after discovering that a search…
Going To The Well … Three Times Too Often?
If this dude is a sports fan, here’s guessing that his favorite cliche is the one about running a successful play over and over until the opposing team stops it. Now, It may be useful in sports, but in crime? Not so much. Especially crimes against property … As reported…
Judge And Lawyer Argue Over “Tie.” Who Wins?
In almost every jurisdiction, male lawyers must wear a jacket and tie when they appear in court. The idea is to appear dignified and professional – we are, after all, officers of the court. Most attorneys would probably agree that the courtroom is not the place to make a fashion…
A Serial Brandisher?
You’re probably thinking “oh, like you’ve never brandished?” A gun? No, The Juice has never brandished a gun. The same cannot be said for Ms. Shiquita D. Reed, whose recent trip to Brandishstan (look it up) involved children at a bus stop! As reported by The Richmond Times-Dispatch: A Chesterfield…
Man Offended By “Obscene” Decal
Honestly, sir, get a life. Don’t look at it. Move to the mountains. Read the Constitution. But please, don’t waste anyone’s time with your complaints about this decal!!!!! As reported by Great Falls Tribune (Montana): Brian Smith is tired of coming home from work to see what he calls pornography…
A Tooth Fetish? A “Beautiful Tongue?”
Choppers, choppers, choppers. Eric White, 42, of Edinburgh, Scotland, just can’t get enough of the pearlie whites. He roamed the city streets, telling women that he worked for a dental company, and wanted to photograph their teeth. And he didn’t just roam the streets in search of worthy teeth. In…
You’re Really Going To Suspend Me For Wearing A Pink Tie?
Yes, Mr. 9-year bus driver, they are. As reported in The State Register-Journal: A Springfield Mass Transit District bus driver received a one-day unpaid suspension recently for wearing a pink tie to help raise awareness for breast cancer. The driver had to serve the suspension, but his action also led…
Store Owner’s Contest? Guess The Next Employee To Be Fired!
You will be not be surprised to learn that Mr. William Ernst (who owns a bunch of convenience stores called QC Mart) was known by some as the “boss from hell.” A recent brainstorm to make the case? How about a memo titled “New Contest – Guess The Next Cashier…