A convenience store clerk in Florida might as well have said “Hey fellas, want some money? Help yourself!” Here’s how it went down, as reported by www.wpbf.com: Boynton Beach police said two men entered the store [the aptly-named E-Z Market] and found the clerk asleep in the back. Police said…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Talk About Dumb Luck
The dumb part? Getting so drunk that he passed out. The lucky part? That he passed out on train tracks. Yes, that is the “lucky” part because this youngster crashed in between the tracks. So when the train ran over him, per The Des Moines Register: Two railroad engineers for…
Glad To See You, Or …
You have to admit, it’s not the most illogical place to hide some sausage… It would appear, though, that this gent may have overdone it. Per The Cairns Post: A man hit a snag with police after he stuffed his pants with sausages and a meat pack in an alleged…
Some Weird Portland, Oregon Laws
Like most cities, Portland has some weird laws still on the books. As reported in the The Oregonian: … Then there are the head-scratchers. Publicly scraping clean the skeleton of one’s beloved in a cemetery is a criminal act. Chain letters are strictly prohibited. In city parks, it’s illegal to…
Nobody Wants To Get Tased, But This?
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c <td colspan='2'Moment of Zen – Sanchez Taser www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity Except for Rich Sanchez (see video above), nobody wants to get tased. But how far would you go to avoid…
On A Police Station?
When you gotta go, you gotta go, right? No. No. No. No. No. Especially “no” if your “target” is … the police station! What, you don’t believe The Juice? Do you believe The Detroit Free Press? … in Royal Oak … at 4:39 p.m. Monday — in broad daylight on…
Of Course She Got Booted From The Village. She Was Farming!
If you need a reminder of just how different cultures (and their customs and laws) can be, this ought to do it. As reported by The Times of India: The incident took place in the tribal dominated Masinda village in Debagarh’s Barkote police station area. It houses more than 40…
What Can Happen To You If You Don’t Hold The Door Open For A Lady?
The Juice is a believer in some old-fashioned notions, like men holding the elevator door open for women. Too bad a fellow in Boston, Mohammed Warsame, is not like-minded. Here’s why, as reported by The Boston Herald: A Roxbury man was slopped with a plate of pasta, punched, kicked, spit…
Judicial System Makes Cops Strip To Nail Prostitutes?
So says Green Tree [Pennsylvania] Council President Mark Sampogna. As reported in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Green Tree officials said they will not pursue any disciplinary action against police Chief Andrew Lisiecki for his conduct while on prostitution detail last month. In the letter to Pittsburgh Police Chief Nate Harper and…
Sure, You Can Get Chinese Food In Some Jails, But Not With …
Everyone – okay almost everyone – knows that Chinese food comes in those little cardboard containers with the little wire handle. So what was Mr. Edward Ridley of Cordele, Georgia thinking when he tried to smuggle some pot to an inmate in Chinese food in a styrofoam container? Needless to…