
Articles Posted in Best Of


A Good Day For Johns

Maybe this won’t help Johns everywhere, but 9 Johns in Pennsylvania had a real good day. The “Johns” The Juice is referring to are the customers of prostitutes. What’s the cause for celebration? As reported by, Riegelsville’s Craig Cardone and 8 others, accused of soliciting prostitutes, are getting their…


Jail Time For Sex With Self?

Yup. As Miami Herald reporter Fred Grimm so artfully described it: Jenne, as sheriff and chief jailer in Broward County, has launched a crackdown on self-abusing miscreants. It’s no longer enough to warn hairy-palmed drooling deviants that self-indulgence risks stunted growth, blindness, sallow skin, slackened jaws, amnesia, shrunken testicles, impotence…

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