So the United States already incarcerates a LOT of people. Imagine, if you will, that getting drunk in your own home, and having a party, were against the law. As reported by Al-Watan Arabic Daily (via The Arab Times): Party holder held: Based on a tip-off, police rushed to an…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Calling The Judge A Bitch [And More] Is Just Never A Good Idea
After getting sentenced to 10 years for robbery, like Mr. Taylor, I’m sure you wouldn’t be in the best mood either. Still, you better be prepared to pay the price if you lay into the judge, as Mr. Taylor did. Here are excerpts from the decision by the Superior Court…
Lawsuit Arising From The Firing Of A Bottle Rocket From A Guy’s …
Yeah, firing a bottle rocket out of your butt is never a good idea. And it’s even worse if it fails to launch! From the recently filed West Virginia case of Helmburg v. The Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and Travis Hughes: Defendant Hughes was highly intoxicated … and decided in…
Cavaliers Fan Just A Little Too Upset Over The News
Do you think this dude still hates LeBron? … Sure, it was a big blow to Cleveland Cavaliers fans when LeBron announced that he was headed south. But really, how upset can you get? Pretty upset, judging from this dude. From the Strongsville Ohio Police Blotter: SUSPICIOUS SITUATION, MEADOW LANE:…
Who Taught This Kid How To “Fish”?
This is definitely the most bizarre type of “fishing” The Juice has ever read about. As reported in the Strongsville, Ohio police blotter of the Sun Star Courier: … officers had a chat with a boy because of his unusual fishing methods. Concerned residents called police because the youngster —…
Thief Hid The Jewelry Where?
Well, it’s certainly not the first place folks would look for missing property. Nevertheless, by her own admission, Ms. Jones hid the jewelry in her, uh, um … you know. As reported by The Sandusky Register: Erie County Sheriff’s deputies arrested an Elyria roofer who told them she stole valuable…
Really? You Think You Were Wrongfully Terminated?
This is some serious chutzpah. As reported by The Chicago Tribune: A Chicago police officer fired after a video camera recorded him beating a female bartender [see above] is asking a judge to review his termination. The grounds? They include: [improperly] using the infamous videotape in deciding to fire him;…
Some Strange Driving-Related Laws
Who is the source of these strange driving-related laws? Avis. Here are some of the laws Avis found, which are published in a “Holiday Highway Code.” In Cyprus, it’s illegal to drink ANYTHING while you are driving, including water. In Greece, if you park illegally, the police may seize your…
Not Exactly A Socially Conscious Flash Mob
// It’s 7/11, so why not a post about … a 7-Eleven. So you get a bunch of people together for a very specific purpose, and it’s to loot a 7-11? As reported by Police in Maryland are now investigating a so-called “flash mob robbery” of a 7-Eleven in…
Mom Says No To Candy – Kid Says KAPOW
If this boy can’t get his candy on, well, there’s gonna be trouble. And there was. As reported by the Northwest Florida Daily News: According to a Niceville (yes, Niceville!) police report, the [13-year-old] boy was told by his mother that he could not have any candy. Oh shizzle. The…