There’s this thing called “plausible deniability.” “Hey, I did not know anything about that!” See if you think this gent can rely on this defense. As reported by The Guyana Chronicle: Colin Manson, 25, of Lot 377 Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, was remanded to prison yesterday on a drug trafficking charge.…
Articles Posted in Best Of
How Many DWIs Do You Have To Get Before They Stop Just Letting You Go?
In a 6-week span, this New Jersey man was charged with driving while intoxicated FOUR times! Each time, he was charged and released. As reported by The News of Cumberland County (at [Anderson] Sotomayor [age 45] began his alleged traffic crime spree on April 2, when Ulrich said he…
Oh No You Didn’t Just Tip That Portable Toilet Over …
… with someone in it! Over a $28 debt! And the tipper was running for city council! True! And there’s more. Here’s the story from the Salem News: Ken Sawicki, a candidate for Salem City Council, spent two weeks of the campaign behind bars this fall for allegedly locking a…
A Good Deed That Took A Bizarre Turn
A Costa Mesa, California woman, who was herself going through a rough patch, allowed a woman to sleep in her car. Upon returning to the car, she reports that the sleeping woman had died. So what did she do? Nothing! Here’s what happened, and how the police just discovered the…
Life In Jail For Failing To Pay Tolls?
Does it really matter how many tolls we’re talking about? [2,362!] Or how much money is involved? [$558,000]. Apparently it does, per a court in China, which is now reconsidering its life sentence. As reported by A court in central China’s Henan Province said Friday it would retry a…
Bank Robbery Doomed To Fail?
Got the gun? Check. Ready to do this? Check. In the bank? Um. No. Per the Lexington Herald-Leader: Police in Nicholasville say a man showed a gun and tried to rob a bank, but he wasn’t in one. The Jessamine South Elkhorn Water District has offices in what was formerly…
You Won’t Believe The Damage This Man Caused In His Attempt To Get Off Work Early
We all have days that we just want to end, even The Juice. But we all, er, most of us, that is, power through those days. Not this gent. The damage? You won’t believe it. As reported by The Union Leader: A former civilian painter who pleaded guilty Thursday to…
Hey, How Did That Get In My Underwear?
It’s fair to say that people generally know what’s in their underwear, and where it came from, right? An Italian gentleman with a wad of a cash in his skivvies couldn’t answer the “where it came from” part, putting him in the soup. As reported at British border control…
Kids These Days
Probably every generation, as they age, at some point says “kids these days!” That day came for a certain New Yorker, as reported by The Bee Newspapers (New York): A Redleaf Lane resident reported three teenage males were carrying a baseball bat and a golf club. The complainant told police…
Inmate Traded What For Candy?
This may be the worst trade ever made in a jail, anywhere. As reported by the Des Moines Register: A western Iowa man already convicted on federal fraud charges has been sentenced to more than two years in prison for selling his pain pills for candy. Say what? And they…