One of the first things all car dealers should cover when training salesmen is … how to protect the cars they are selling. If this was covered, this newb must have skipped that day, or nodded off. Yeah, sure, hindsight is 20/20. But that doesn’t rule out foresight … As…
Articles Posted in Best Of
A Strange Reaction To Good News From The Vet
If you’re a dog person, and your dog is sick, you’re going to be upset. But what if the vet tells you that your dog is fine? This story from The Hamilton Spectator (Ontario) illustrates that sometimes, hell oftentimes, things don’t make sense. Police say the two downtown Hamilton residents…
Sorry, She’s Not Home. She’s Still Not Home. She’s …
It was good of this niece to look after her sickly aunt. Or was it? Her motives are certainly in question now, since her aunt died over 2 years ago and, as reported by (Hamilton, Ontario) … Police are searching for the body of a Hamilton woman they allege…
Not Your Typical Post-Accident Behavior
As a personal injury lawyer himself, The Juice has heard many stories about behavior before, during and after car accidents. This one, though, takes the cake. As reported by The Union Leader (New Hampshire): Jared D. Hooper, 21, of 26 Partridge Lane, was arrested after police responded to the area…
Unfortunately For Him, All Gunshot Wounds Must Be Reported To The Cops
Adding insult to injury, the public is now aware of this gent’s very own Plaxico Burress moment. But for the reporting law, nobody would have been the wiser. As reported by The Corvallis Gazette-Times: Ethan Bennett, 36, told Benton County sheriff’s deputies he was at his residence at 24750 Cox…
Um, Has Anyone Seen My Glock?
This is not a question a court security officer should be asking. But hey, what are you supposed to do with that thing when you go to the restroom? Clearly, not this. As reported by The New Hampshire Union Leader: According to New Hampshire State Police, officers from Troop D…
Giving Fraudsters A Bad Name
If you’re going to commit fraud, at least be creative or clever. You know, something that would make a good movie. But nooooooo, you had to go and commit this super-simple, guaranteed-to- be-caught fraud. As seen in The New Hampshire Union Leader: State Police were called to a single-car collision…
No! Not The Sweet Cheeks [Bikini] Espresso Stand!
To those of you who have a problem with the phenomenon of bikini-clad baristas, this post almost certainly won’t do anything to change your opinion. But if you’re a fan, you can put this arrow in your quiver. Why? Because if this “Sweet Cheeks” barista hadn’t been so concerned about…
Everything Sticks To Duct Tape, Including DNA
So maybe it’s not CSI, but it’s damn impressive nevertheless. As reported by out of Miami,Florida: An Akron man who pleaded guilty to aggravated burglary and robbery will spend six years in prison. 40-year-old Charles Smallwood was also sentenced to an additional four years on two other pending cases…
You Stole What From Papa John’s?
It would be misleading, though not totally false, to say this guy walked into a Florida Papa John’s and stole pizza. Here’s what happened, per Polk County deputies say a man walked into Papa John’s Pizza restaurant, put on a pizza costume, and then walked out of the Lakeland…