The cops have you red-handed, with the evidence right there in front of you. So what do you do? Here’s an option you might not have considered. As reported by the Hunterdon County Democrat (New Jersey): On Thursday, June 1, at about 1:55 a.m., Patrolman Joseph SanGiovanni saw a 2012…
Articles Posted in Best Of
You Want Me To Turn My Music Down? Fuhgeddaboutit!
Ah roommates. If you’ve ever had a roommate, and you say you’ve never had an argument, you’re lying. Still, a knife? As reported in The Brooklyn Paper: The victim told police that he knocked on his roommate’s door at their apartment between Norman and Nassau avenues at 12:30 am and…
Teens Exhibit Wholly Inappropriate Post-Manicure Behavior!
Girls wanted to get their manicure on. Totally fine. Not paying for it, and worse? (you’ll have to read below) – totally uncool. As reported by The Orlando Sentinel Ty Nguyen called police around 2:45 p.m. Thursday after the three teens ran from MD Nails on Claracona Ocoee Road after…
Let Me Get This Straight
Olay hires Twiggy (age 60) to promote a product (the Definity eye illuminator) that supposedly makes your eyes look younger. Said the ad, next to a photo of Twiggy … Olay is my secret to brighter-looking eyes. There’s just one small problem – the photo was airbrushed! I kid you…
Appropriately, This Gent Was The “Vice” Mayor
Have you ever heard of a charge for DWM? It stands for Driving While … This is some seriously aberrant behavior, and incredibly dangerous. Check out this story from WJHL in Kingsport, TN: Three women testified against former Mount Carmel Vice-Mayor William Blakely, graphically recounting times he exposed himself while…
Yup. Definitely Time For Some Sensitivity Training.
Please, tell The Juice that this Connecticut legislator did not just push the button to talk and say that. Alas, he did. As reported by the The New London Day: State Rep. Ernest Hewett, D-New London, was removed from his post as deputy speaker this week after making an inappropriate…
Oh, So You Think You Can Mess With My Trust Just Because I’m Dead?
So back in 1996, this couple in Arkansas set up a Trust. The beneficiaries were his 3 kids and her 3 nieces. Simple enough. Well, after Robert died, guess what Robena did? Kids? What kids? She amended the trust to exclude her deceased husband’s 3 kids, effectively disinheriting them. Surely…
Maybe Things Aren’t Going Well With Your Employer, But …
Warning: Do not read this right before, or after, eating, because it’s really, really gross. Okay, here it goes, per The Standard, “China’s Business Newspaper” A domestic helper has appeared in court accused of trying to injure her employer by mixing her menstrual blood in a pot of vegetables she…
Oh, You’re Going To Give Me That Sweet And Sour Sauce
Even if you like sweet and sour sauce, ain’t no way you like it as much as this Washington State man. As reported by The Highline Times: A man entered a fast food restaurant at the 14800 block of 4th Ave. S.W. asking for some condiments. The clerk told him…
So You Got A Check For More Than The Asking Price, And You Weren’t Suspicious?
You list a car on Craigslist, and get a check for almost twice the asking price. Are you suspicious? You should be. This scam has been around for a long time. As reported by The Times and Democrat (Orangeburg, South Carolina): The victim said Thursday she listed her vehicle [on…