
A Very Unusual Bedside Manner …

Let’s just say that Canadian doctor Martin Gillen is in a class by himself – hopefully. As reported by the Ottawa Citizen:

[Gillen’s boss] said [he] was upfront with him about a 2001 incident in which he was caught masturbating as a drugged female patient lay on his examining table.

Egad. Maybe he was “upfront” about the incident BECAUSE IT’S ON FILM! As a result of the incident, Dr. Gillen lost his license and …

The former pain specialist was convicted of sexual assault and spent six months in jail for that crime. He will remain on the provincial sex offender registry until 2017.

Now he’s trying to get his license back, but …

Upon questioning, however, [Gillen’s boss] learned Wednesday Gillen neglected to tell him the full extent of similar allegations that resulted in a nine-month suspension in 1989.

Doh! Regarding the 1989 incident…

Although he was found not guilty of criminal charges, a judge ruled “there was ample evidence to justify the finding of guilt by the (College’s) Discipline Committee.”

The hearing is continuing.

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